Cameroon, Immediate Justice: For the Release of Mr. Aboubakar Siddiki
In Cameroon, the legitimate struggle against terrorism unfortunately rhymes with the restriction of freedoms and political repression. The businessman Aboubakar Siddiki, a political opponent from the North where the terrorist group Boko Haram is rampant, is thus victim of vindictive and humiliating legal despotic cabal orchestrated by the securocrats of the regime in place.
We reiterate our call for the immediate release and without further trial of Mister Siddiki.
Make no mistake, When the CL2P demands immediate justice for Mr. Aboubakar Siddiki, The CL2P is not asking for proper adjudication in the Biya’s discredited Courts. As a matter of fact, the CL2P cannot award the least credit to the parody of a trial that opens before the military tribunal of Yaoundé.
This legal and despotic cabal is another example of the opposition bashing and demolition circus orchestrated by the securocrat lackeys within the Yaoundé regime, stoking the fires of tribal politics against a gentleman above all suspicion and regarded as a political opponent originating from the North – under the cover of the legitimate fight against terrorism – dishonors the Republic of Cameroon and its institutions.
The CL2P recognizes a right to fair trial and first amendment right to petition a democratic government to redress of grievances. But for Biya’s legal despotic appratuses under his command, there is no judge and jury and his preferred verdict is always pre-ordained. When real justice surrenders to legal despotism in the courtroom, we all lose.
Mr. President Paul BIYA, Release Mr. Aboubakar Siddiki now.
The Committee For The Release of Political Prisoners – Le Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Politiques (CL2P)
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Cameroun: Pour la libération immédiate de M. Aboubakar Siddiki
Au Cameroun la lutte légitime contre le terrorisme rime hélas avec la restriction des libertés et la répression politique. Le chef d’entreprise Aboubakar Siddiki, un opposant politique originaire du Nord où sévit le groupe terroriste Boko Haram, est encore une des victimes d’une cabale judiciaire orchestrée par les sécurocrates du régime en place.
Nous renouvelons notre appel à la libération immédiate et sans autre forme de procès de Monsieur Siddiki
Nous ne saurons en effet accorder le moindre crédit à l’interminable parodie de procès qui se poursuit devant le tribunal militaire de Yaoundé.
Cette cabale liberticide orchestrée par des sécurocrates au sein du régime en place contre une personnalité au-dessus de tout soupçon considérée comme un intolérable opposant politique originaire du Nord – sous couvert de la légitime lutte contre le terrorisme – déshonore la République du Cameroun et ses institutions.
Monsieur Le Président Paul BIYA, Libérez M. Aboubakar Siddiki
Le Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Polirtique – The Committee For The Release of Political Prisoners (CL2P)
8 Cour des Fabriques
70 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud
75011 Paris
Tel: (33) 6 41 00 14 31
E-mail: camliberationpolitique@yahoo.