Dear anglophone brothers and sisters,
Our lawyers are fighting for their rights, (our rights),
Our teachers are fighting for their rights (out rights).
Are we just going to sit and let them fight for us? We are better than this.
What ever happened to the federalism our parents fought for?
What ever happened to our anglophone pride?
We want back our freedom.
We want to choose our leaders.
We want to manage our resources ourselves.
Who doesn’t know Limbe seaport has the deepest natural harbour in west Africa?
Who doesn’t know there is gold in Wum or petrol in Bakassi or iron ore and bauxite in Bui?
Who doesn’t know south west soil is the most fertile in the sub region?
Stop saying “we are one or I want peace or I don’t do politics”. Get up and fight for your rights.
If you have ever been into a public office in Yaoundé and felt frustrated because you can’t speak or understand French, then get up and fight.
If you have ever sat in a classroom and 3/4 of the lectures are in French then get up and fight.
If you have tilled the soil to educate your child just for him/her to come back and ask you to give taxi money, then get up and fight.
If a police officer has ever stopped you and spoken in French even if its broken French (because he is anglophone and French is the official language of the police force) then get up and fight.
If you hate corruption, marginalisation, and bad governance then this is the time to get your voice heard.
We the anglophones we don’t want to keep being treated as third class citizens. We are a people with dignity and integrity and we refuse to be subdued. If you are an anglophone from the North West or from the South West, no matter where you reside, and you want to be a bought over, marginalised and coward then stay in the comfort of your house but if you want a better life for yourself, your child and for future generations , play your part by sharing this and preparing yourself for the great march of freedom due to take place as from the 1st of December 2016.
Remember freedom is never given, it is seized.*