Several months ago, in answer to a question from a Ugandan journalist, I stated emphatically that the mass slaughter of Southern Cameroonians on the basis of their Southern Cameroons nationality was a genocide. The international community with the United Nations leading, has paid lip service to the genocide and this has encouraged the impunity and arrogance with which the genocide is executed. The state policy driving the execution of the genocide was carefully planned and consistently communicated in official speeches, orders and public statements.
Genocide is the mother of all crimes. It is an assault on our collective human conscience. The collective resolve of the civilised world to prevent genocide and bestial impunity like the one ongoing in the Southern Cameroons informed the founding the UNO in 1945. The indelible reality in extending the protections enshrined in the UN Charter and the resolve of the civilised world to Southern Cameroons is founded in the fact that God in absolute sovereignty over humanity in diversity made the blood in our viens red and not in the diverse colours of our skins. Therefore why is the international response to genocide and atrocity crimes in other parts of the world different from that in the Southern Cameroons? Is it as many have suggested, because the genocide in the Southern Cameroons has a price tag on it?
Let me once more caution that the genocide in the Southern Cameroons will consume the entire subregion if the UN and the entire international community fail to activate the responsibility to protect mandate now. This genocide is on the conscience of humanity and compels immediate attention and action to abate it, fish out the perpetrators and let them face international justice.
By Charles Taku
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Ne banalisons pas les crimes de masse commis par la dictature au Cameroun anglophone…
Il règne en effet comme une bien triste répétition de l’histoire dans ce pays, avec cette impression diffuse mais tenace d’un autre génocide commis sous nos yeux par les mêmes camerounais sur d’autres camerounais, parce qu’ils sont ou seraient “anglophones” cette fois-ci…
Tout ceci dans une certaine indifférence générale. Comme exactement les précédentes fois sur ce continent.
Plus jamais ça!
Le Comité de Libération des Prisonniers Politiques – CL2P