“The perpetrator of all these crimes is one of Africa’s dictator, an octogenarian that has committed the most execrable crimes against humanity”
By Abu Fri
1992, state of emergency was declared, my mother left home to go check on her brother Fru Ndi. On her way, the poor woman was brutally beaten with a gun by LR soldiers who could pass for her children. I remember the next morning she was in so much pain and I asked her why somebody will do this to her. She just said “because we are different”. It was only later that I understood what my mom meant by “being different”.
I’ll never forget October 1st 2003 when I was pulled out from a taxi by four CameroUn gun men and brutally beaten alongside the taxi driver. I was in UB at that time and had gone to Bamenda for some event and didn’t know the terrorist Gov’t had announced that no woman should be caught wearing pants/trousers. Their rational, it’s oct 1st and nobody should be seen matching on the streets. I wonder if women don’t match in dresses and skirts (that’s the “Dullness” of our captors). You can figure out the rest of the story…. Anyways, I was saved that day by Fru Ndi and his vanguards because the incident happened close to the entrance of his home in Ntarinkon. Those vanguards and Fru Ndi went crazy on those gendarmes after realizing it was me.
In present day Cameroon, even way before now, identifying as a Southern Cameroonian is on a par with death, life imprisonment, torture, rape, homelessness, you can name it all.
Thousands killed, hundreds of thousands displaced, hundreds of villages destroyed, thousands incarcerated, young women raped, mothers breaking tradition to dig holes and bury their children, crime rate has mushroomed, children refused access to quality education, handicap/grannies/sick all burnt in their homes… The perpetrator of all these crimes is one of Africa’s dictator, an octogenarian that has committed the most execrable crimes against humanity and denying freedom to a people that have suffered under the French sadism for more than 5 decades.
I’ve every right to celebrate today. To celebrate the people that have gone before me, the people that are birthing Ambazonia with their blood so that “our children can be like the stars above, and we can leave in plenty meeting our needs”.
Whatever the future holds for Ambazonia, I’ll forever celebrate October 1st.
Happy Independence Day Comrades!
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Mardi 01 octobre 2019: Celebration de l’indépendance de l’Ambazonie au Cameroun anglophone et poursuite d’un semblant de dialogue national…
Pour quelle logique ? De guerre ou de paix ???